Teaching through the screen: How Our planet impacts adolescents’ feelings of connection to nature
Kathryn Blair Downs 1 * , Callie Schultz 1 , Paul Stonehouse 1 , Brad Faircloth 2
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1 Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, USA2 University of North Carolina at Asheville, Asheville, NC, USA* Corresponding Author


Climate change is a growing threat to human life. As future generations of youth are the most at risk for adverse effects of climate change, encouraging the development of pro-environmental behaviors in young people is of growing importance. Adolescents are in an ideal age range to develop connection to nature (CTN). During these years, experiences in the outdoors are more likely to impact how youth will value nature, and thus the future development of pro-environmental behaviors. In order to effectively encourage the adoption and development of pro-environmental behaviors, an emotional affinity for the environment should be established during childhood. Utilizing nature documentaries to develop connections to nature in adolescents could be a valuable means of combatting climate change for future generations. This study explored how watching a nature documentary can impact adolescents’ CTN. The episode had notable short-term impacts on CTN in adolescents, though long-term effects warrant future study.


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Article Type: Research Article

INTERDISCIP J ENV SCI ED, Volume 19, Issue 4, 2023, Article No: e2316


Publication date: 25 Sep 2023

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