Historical Evolution of Scientific Initiation Projects in the Area of Environmental Education
Márcia Aparecida Andreazzi 1 2 * , Vinícius Eduardo Gargaro Silva 1, Edneia Aparecida de Souza Paccola 1, Fábio Luiz bim Cavalieri 1
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1 Centro Universitário de Maringá/ UNICESUMAR, BRAZIL2 ICETI - Cesumar Institute of Science, Technology and Innovatio, BRAZIL* Corresponding Author


Scientific initiation projects should stimulate and promote research in different areas of knowledge. Therefore, this study analyzed the projects of scientific initiation related to the area of environmental education in a private higher education institution, between 1998 and 2018. The study revealed a very small number of projects related to environmental education (0.23%). The majority (70%) performed in the last 10 years; of the scientific initiation program category (SIP-50%) and developed in courses in the Biological and Human areas (70%). Considering the importance of Environmental Education based on sustainability, preservation, and conservation of the environment, for scientific, environmental, and citizen education of students, it is recommended actions that stimulate the execution of more projects in this area be developed.


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Article Type: Research Article

INTERDISCIP J ENV SCI ED, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2019, Article No: e02205


Publication date: 13 Dec 2019

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