Integrated Green Conceptions into Applied Science Course Assessing Taiwan Students’ Learning Attitude and Correlation Analysis
King-Dow Su 1 *
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1 Hungkuo Delin University of Technology, TAIWAN* Corresponding Author


This research focused on constructing students’ new visions of integrated green concepts into science course. There were 54 students to conduct a questionnaire survey approach and examine their cognitive learning attitude and correlation analysis by integrating innovative animations of carbon footprint. The statistical analysis of students’ learning performance would indicate in the collected data. The results pointed out the following four trends: (1) Development of learning attitude questionnaire had superior reliability of Cronbach α, .97 and correlation of γ > .70 for each dependent variable; (2) The finding of quantitative research indicated that students exhibited positive learning attitude (M=3.711, SD=.767) after the integrated serial learning; (3) One-way ANOVA revealed that students represented a large effect size (410≦ f ≦.776) for their disposition of the experimental curriculum; (4) According to the results of students’ interview for integrating teaching showed positive learning feedback which students could thoroughly understand the positive consumption concept of carbon emissions. For the limitation of the sample in this research, further research will be necessary for promoting students’ deep and longitude learning research in the future.


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Article Type: Research Article

INTERDISCIP J ENV SCI ED, Volume 18, Issue 1, 2022, Article No: e2264

Publication date: 16 Dec 2021

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