More Than Twenty Years of Value-Belief-Norm Theory of Environmentalism: What Has Been and Yet To Be Done?
Ian Phil Canlas 1 * , Mageswary Karpudewan 2 , Nur Sabrina Mohamed Ali Khan 2
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1 School of Arts and Sciences, University of Central Asia, Naryn, KYRGYZSTAN2 School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, MALAYSIA* Corresponding Author


It has been more than 20 years since the value-belief-norm theory of environmentalism has been conceptualized. The said theory has been used as a lens and has guided scholars in exploring and understanding pro-environmental behavior, however to date, there has been no study conducted that attempted to explore and report the bibliometric properties of studies related thereto. Aimed at determining research opportunities and future research directions, this paper reports a study that explored the bibliometric properties of studies conducted pertaining to the above-mentioned theory. Data were extracted from Scopus database and analyzed using Microsoft Excel, Publish or Perish, and VOSviewer. Results showed that while there is an increasing trend of studies using value-belief-norm theory, there is still considerably small and limited number of papers published, as well as scholars, institutions, and countries engaged on studies using the theory. Considering the inter/multidisciplinary nature of pro-environmental behavior, it may be necessary to encourage the conduct of more context-specific studies using available and more advanced methods across cultures, sectors, and levels.


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Article Type: Research Article

INTERDISCIP J ENV SCI ED, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2022, Article No: e2269

Publication date: 23 Feb 2022

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