Relationships among Environmental Literacy, Locus of Control, and Future Orientation of STEM Students in the Philippines
Princes Raymunda Guzman Gatan 1 * , Rosanelia Yangco 2, Sheryl Lyn Monterola 2
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1 National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development, University of the Philippines, PHILIPPINES2 College of Education, University of the Philippines, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author


This study reports on the status and correlations among environmental literacy (EL), locus of control (LOC), and future orientation (FO) of STEM students (N = 512). The EL results showed a low rate of students’ Environmental Knowledge but high Environmental Skills. The LOC results revealed that students believed that they could best create environmental impacts through recycling yet least by advocating on the environment. They were also more inclined to considering distant outcomes or consequences of their actions rather than focusing on their immediate needs. The STEM students’ academic background, convenience, and personal benefit among others might have contributed to correlation results of EL, LOC, and FO reported in this study. It is suggested that ample opportunities be given to students to improve their EL. This may include going beyond environmental theories and engaging students in authentic experiences to provide them with active roles in learning environmental topics. Moreover, these topics should not only be consistently integrated among the fields of sciences but also in other subjects making them interdisciplinary, meaningful, and relatable.


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Article Type: Research Article

INTERDISCIP J ENV SCI ED, Volume 17, Issue 4, 2021, Article No: e2250

Publication date: 17 Jun 2021

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